WORK[etc] Web App Blog

Sneak Preview: New Table Tools and Layout

Posted by Daniel Barnett Sat, 3 Dec '11 @ 8:30 PM
Daniel Barnett [2012-02-13]UPDATE:We're now taking registrations for the beta

A really cool part of this mammoth update we're prepping is the new data grid (table) tool. 

Currently WORKetc dictates how you see your data.  Do a contact search and WORKetc forces you to view the results in a certain way with only the information it wants you to see.  Look at your lead lists and there's no flexibility to view the info that is most important to you.

This is about to change - power to the people, set the data free!

Click to zoom

The screen shot above is a preview of the new data table we're rolling out:
  1. Drag and drop to reposition the order of columns
  2. Select and drag to change the width of columns
  3. Select from the drop menu what data you want on your table.

But the real guts of this update is shown @ 3.  By clicking on the settings icon (the cog shape) you'll be able to pick and choose what information you want to see on the table.  At the moment we only have basic contact fields with future development making available all sorts of options.

The real power of this new approach is found in combination with the contact list / data mining module

For example, set up a new data mine to search with these parameters:

  1. All customers in the U.S.A
  2. That have the custom tag "priority customer"
  3. Who have not made a purchase in the last 6 months

Once WORKetc has retrieved your data set, you'll be able to customize what information is available to view.  For example:

  1. Company name
  2. Contact Person
  3. Mobile Phone
  4. Email Address
  5. Employee Contact
  6. Your custom fields

The new table functionality, combined with updated custom fields and data mining is going to propel WORKetc's CRM to a whole new level.  It really is powerful stuff and I feel like we're only just scratching the surface of how people are going to end up using this tool.

We don't have an exact release date for this yet, other than aiming for the end of the year. 

The updated permissions, custom fields, contact lists, table functionality and hundreds of UX updates all need to pushed to beta at the same time.  Lots of work but making steady progress...